Performance expectations with a Linode upgrade...

We are now being offered a choice to upgrade an existing Linode:

Resources affected:

RAM goes from 1 GB → 2 GB

Transfer goes from 2000 GB → 3000 GB

vCPUs go from 8 vCPUs → 2 vCPUs

I was curious if anyone had any ideas about the tradeoffs for a LAMP server if I double the memory but lose 6 of 8 vCPUs? I can see that more memory could be good for PHP and mySQL intensive sites (I use WordPress on 8 virtualhosts).

I'm concerned that perhaps the 8 vCPUs are helping me more for PHP than extra memory, however.

Opinions? :-)

2 Replies

Since they bill by the hour, spin up a new Linode, benchmark it against your existing install, decide which one to keep. Will only cost you a few bucks and then you'll know for sure which offers the better performance for YOUR environment, instead of a bunch of guesses.

What he said.

The new cores are faster, with less contention so it might not be that bad.

Do you frequently use more than 200 % CPU?


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