Wordpress server limit

Hi, i have My CentOS 6.5 installed with wordpress 4.1, im trying to increase the server limit for this via this article: http://wordpress.mcdspot.com/2012/03/20 … tion-time/">http://wordpress.mcdspot.com/2012/03/20/ways-to-increase-max-file-upload-size-and-execution-time/

However when i try to change the ini file its not updating…has anyone ran into any issue when trying to update the server limit?

2 Replies

PHP may be configured in a lot of different ways. For example, I use php5-fpm on Debian so I would do this nano /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini and then restart the service with service php5-fpm restart

If you are running stock php in CentOS the configuration is at

/etc/php.ini with module specific directives in /etc/php.d/


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