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I am about to set up my system with the Subject technologies. I am not particularly knowledgeable of Linux. I use other platforms and servers.

Could someone tell me what distributions would be recommended for this technology

1 Reply

Hi there,

I am about to set up my system with the Subject technologies.

Could you give us more details about what you mean by "Subject technologies"?

I am not particularly knowledgeable of Linux. I use other platforms and servers.

That's not a problem! Many new Linode customers are in your same shoes, and so was I at one point. We have a lot great guides at www.linode.com/docs to help you get started.

I would particularly recommend these two. The first will help you set up your server and connect via SSH, and the second will help you secure your server:


Could someone tell me what distributions would be recommended for this technology

For someone new to Linux I'd suggest using either Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04, or Centos 7, since these are two very popular, supported and documented distributions.

Kind regards,
Joe C.
Linode Support Team


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