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Remote with GUI into my linode


I have a simple problem. But, the universe is making it hard for me. Need some advice!


I want to use GNS3 to study for CCNA cert, but i'm in the Philippines and internet is horrible and now internet at home is disconnected.

I have decent internet at work, but i can't install anything on my work computer since i don't have admin rights.

What i can do is connect to my linode via putty.


I want to install GNS3 on my linode and use some kind of remote session to interact with it in a GUI environment.

I have windows remote on my computer, but port RDP port is probably blocked.. Only open ports are 80 and 443 afaik.

Any creative ideas or suggestions are very much appreciated :)


8 Replies

Well unless you manually changed the SSH port, port 22 will also be available for outbound connections from your work ;) Otherwise you couldn't SSH to it.

What you can do is X11-forwarding, that essentially allows you to forward a browser from the Linode to your PC via SSH. While it would probably work, it will be slow, especially when you do CCNA stuff, which I believe is flash-based.

Since you have Putty connectivity to your Linode, you can go to Connection > SSH > Tunnels and create localhost listeners that get routed wherever you want. I.e., you could create source port 1234 and set the destination to ipofawindowsmachine:3389. Once that is in place, you can RDP in to localhost:1234 and Putty will route your traffic to the Linode, which will then route it to that Windows machine.

This works great for getting around all sorts of firewall restrictions. I use Putty as a SOCKS proxy and route all my non-work related web browsing traffic via my node. :wink:


Well unless you manually changed the SSH port, port 22 will also be available for outbound connections from your work ;) Otherwise you couldn't SSH to it.

What you can do is X11-forwarding, that essentially allows you to forward a browser from the Linode to your PC via SSH. While it would probably work, it will be slow, especially when you do CCNA stuff, which I believe is flash-based.

I managed to install xming without admin, but seems like it's been blocked by windows firewall.

haha. It looks like a great tool though, i'll definitely try it out when i can.

And yeah, changed my ssh port to 80 ;)


Since you have Putty connectivity to your Linode, you can go to Connection > SSH > Tunnels and create localhost listeners that get routed wherever you want. I.e., you could create source port 1234 and set the destination to ipofawindowsmachine:3389. Once that is in place, you can RDP in to localhost:1234 and Putty will route your traffic to the Linode, which will then route it to that Windows machine.

This works great for getting around all sorts of firewall restrictions. I use Putty as a SOCKS proxy and route all my non-work related web browsing traffic via my node. :wink:

Thanks! I'll check this out when i have time :)



Well unless you manually changed the SSH port, port 22 will also be available for outbound connections from your work ;) Otherwise you couldn't SSH to it.

What you can do is X11-forwarding, that essentially allows you to forward a browser from the Linode to your PC via SSH. While it would probably work, it will be slow, especially when you do CCNA stuff, which I believe is flash-based.

I managed to install xming without admin, but seems like it's been blocked by windows firewall.

haha. It looks like a great tool though, i'll definitely try it out when i can.

And yeah, changed my ssh port to 80 ;)

If SSH works, xming should work as well. Make sure you install xauth on your Linode, and enable X11 forwarding in the sshd config on your linode as well. You'll have to enable X11 forwarding in the putty settings as well.


Any creative ideas or suggestions are very much appreciated
Be sure to have your resume updated and your "plan b" job lined up. Most companies frown on soon to be former employees that side-step their computer/internet use policies.

Okay, i worked it out. Thanks for your help !

Portforwarded 3389 via Putty. Installed xrdp and xfce4 on ubuntu 12.04 and remoted in there like a boss :D

It's quite fast too

I want to be ccna certified, but i dont know how to do it ( as i m beginner ).So if somebody could help me out how else can i study and get ccna? Please help me out, i shall b really thankful to you for replying.


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