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Best practice for wordpress instal location (ubuntu/apache)

Hi everyone!

I am new to VPS so apologies for dumb questions…

i am migrating a wp install from shared host..

obviously, not the same folder architecture..

Been reading most of doc and found different suggestions as where should assets be located.

https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/cm … wordpress/">https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/cms/manage-web-content-with-wordpress/ -- /srv/www/xxx.com/public/…

https://www.linode.com/docs/migrate-to- … ed-hosting">https://www.linode.com/docs/migrate-to-linode/migrate-from-shared-hosting -- /home/user/public/xxx.com/public/…

or var/www/xxx.com/public..

what would you suggest is the best way to go? knowing that i may had 2 more sites.

as well i need assets that i want to keep separated but accessible (ei in Iframe).

Can i use a disk image for data storage or does it have to be located on the same image as the site install?

Thanks in advance :)

6 Replies

Pick a layout and stick with it - there isn't really a "best way".

Ok thanks vonskippy!

Yeah, i knew i would have to stick with it that why i wanted to know >_<

found out the hard way but i guess it is good for practice, seems already less frightening..


As for assets, not sure i understood linode correctly.

i have set a disk image without OS labeled "data"

and set in my conf profile: /dev/xvdc => data

I though i could see it via ftp from x.x.x.x/dev/xvdc/data but no..

Can someone enlighten me?


You will need to mount /dev/xvdc you can set it to mount automatically in fstab, something like this will probably work /dev/xvdc /data ext4 defaults 0 2 Then you'd access it by sftping to your ip and checking the /data folder, don't use ftp it sucks.

Thks for the info obs

as newbie, it doesn't make much sense to me yet but will dig around about that.. >_<

If stuck, i ll get back to you!

Btw, meant sftp, not ftp.. : )


I use either /srv/www/domaingoeshere.com/publichtml or /var/www/domaingoeshere.com/publichtml and my logs are like /srv/www/domaingoeshere.com/logs


Cheers mate, it works : )

Thanks for the tip!


yeah, i use srv/www/…

like for the wordpress stack script, good way to learn how to set it up!

Thanks for your help guys!

Now trying to optimize speed on my wp install

if you have some time to kill,

have a look at http://www.maoartland.net and let me know of any tips you could think of to speed it up

It is my personal portfolio and contains loads of pics hosted on flickr.

I use JIG (justified image grid) plugin and W3tc for caching.

Was using CDN (MAXCDN / w3tc) prior to move to linode but now seems to be getting better results without it..

Got all the apache2 mod_ working for w3tc except memcache (use Opcode - APC) coz i read that memcache was more multi sites oriented.. any toughts?

I am pleased with how it runs now compare to my previous shared host (hostpapa)

but have random hanging time to time.. don't know if it comes from wp, w3tc, server setup or linode..

More investigation needed! any tips on how to proceed?

thanks again!


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