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simply replace my current Linode with my backup?

I want to simply replace my current Linode with my backup (I'm paying for the Backup service). I have read https://www.linode.com/docs/security/ba … p-service/">https://www.linode.com/docs/security/backups/backup-service/ .

Under my current Linode I see


Total: 49152 MB

Used: 49152 MB

Free: 0 MB

When I look at Edit on my 2 partitions

Swap Image (2048 MB, swap)

Ubuntu 64bit Disk Image (47104 MB, ext3)

I see New Size the same as the size I currently have on both partitions.

However, when I go to Backups -> Daily Backup -> Restore to …, I see


Swap Image (swap) – 2048MB/2048MB

Ubuntu 64bit Disk Image (ext3) – 39140MB/47104MB

Total size required 41188 MB

but I see

-- not enough free space --

under Select.

How can I simply replace my current Linode with last night's backup? This should not be complicated? Isn't that at least one of the features of a Backup service?


I finally confirmed that it is fine to Remove current disks, and restore a Backup to that Linode. Some Support said no, that I had to expand into a new larger Linode before restoring. The point is to make sure you have a backup of info just after your last backup.

3 Replies

I have met the same problem with you,but why no answer from the linode.


I have met the same problem with you,but why no answer from the linode.

Hey there! With restoring backups to a Linode, you need to make sure there is enough free space. Restoring a backup doesn't delete the disk that is there already, so if you are certain you don't want the old information you can delete or resize the disks already present on the Linode before restoring the backup to that Linode. You can read more about this here: https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/li … ing-linode">https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/linode-backup-service#restore-to-an-existing-linode

Alternatively, you can restore the backup to a fresh Linode as well. And then if you need after that, you can swap out the IP addresses. You can read more about this here:

https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/li … new-linode">https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/linode-backup-service#restore-to-a-new-linode

https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … -addresses">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/remote-access#swapping-ip-addresses

Hope this helps!

Would be nice if the instructions for in-place restore from backups were in the manual at https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/disk-images/linode-backup-service/#restore-from-a-backup . I feel "hit the undo button" would be a common task.


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