Linode Chat (IRC) — can't access this anymore?

A few weeks back I used the Linode IRC without issue ( ..

Can't use it anymore though …

Did something change?

I visit here:

I enter a nickname, and hit the button ..

Then I get the chat screen, but my login isn't completed or something ..

And today I get a pop up in safari telling me " wants to sign using Key "Apple ID Authentication 2015-03-16…" blah blah in your keychain"..

And there's option to "Allow" or "Deny" this request. Which I've no idea about so left it alone.

Any body able to tell me what's going on?



9 Replies

I just tried it on my end and it's working fine. This would be a potential issue with your browser and that webchat service. Have you tried other browsers?

Still can't access it. Tried two browsers.

All I get is this message:

"[00:16] == #linode Cannot join channel (Need to be identified to join this channel, '/msg NickServ help' to learn how to register.)"

I'm new at this. Is there something I'm supposed to do in order to join the channel?

I really need help right now and could do with a chat :-)


"[00:16] == #linode Cannot join channel (Need to be identified to join this channel, '/msg NickServ help' to learn how to register.)"

Read the message that was shown to you.

  • Les

Hi Les,

I read the message. I just don't understand how to work this thing ..

I've never had to do anything before in order to use the chat room.

I have no idea what to do NOW in order to use it today … I read the message, tried to register, to identify .. I just don't understand what steps I am to take. Or what changed for it to stop working like it did beforehand (I would go to the URL and I was up and running.)

If some one could tell me how to do this I'd be super grateful.

The steps you are to take are:

1 Register

2 Identify

To accomplish #1 type "/msg nickserv help register" it will tell you the exact steps to take.

To accomplish #2 type "/msg nickserv help identify" it will tell you the exact steps to take.

What changed was the channel now requires people to be registered and identified in order to join, probably to cut down on the amount of spam it was receiving.

I got it to say I've successfully identified myself (after registering) but I still can't actually do anything, so ..

This is about as clear as mud right now.

Is there another step in order to "go" to the chatroom? … %20channel">


A few weeks back I used the Linode IRC without issue ( .. Can't use it anymore though …

Did something change?
Yes. We had the #linode channel set to +R because of spambots.

linode has since been set back to not require registered users. You should be able to join now.




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