Block Storage

Most cloud providers (AWS, Digital Ocean, Packet, etc) offer block storage for an additional fee. Does Linode plan to add such a feature? I feel it's a major piece missing here

4 Replies


Most cloud providers (AWS, Digital Ocean, Packet, etc) offer block storage for an additional fee. Does Linode plan to add such a feature? I feel it's a major piece missing here

We hear you loud and clear and we do plan to add such a feature. It's being worked on.



Most cloud providers (AWS, Digital Ocean, Packet, etc) offer block storage for an additional fee. Does Linode plan to add such a feature? I feel it's a major piece missing here

We hear you loud and clear and we do plan to add such a feature. It's being worked on.

Great! Can you give any rough timeframe of when it will be available? i.e. next 3, 6 months…


Within the next few months in beta in one datacetner - likely Newark. Then a beta period (for however long is required) before rolling out to some, if not all of the other facilities.




Within the next few months in beta in one datacetner - likely Newark. Then a beta period (for however long is required) before rolling out to some, if not all of the other facilities.


Thank you


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