root/users accounts locked/disabled every reboot?

UPDATE: seems like the problem is related to the users being locked every reboot for some reason

Why does it happen and how to solve?



Hi all

Working with a Linode for some months now, and it seems that I did something wrong and can't access the root (or others) any more:

1. can't see any relevant logs for some reason (via lish)

2. changed password, just in case, and still nothing

3. I changed one row in /etc/passwd, but I could have crapped it somehow - could it be it? couldn't find how to restore it to a previous version or any default stuff

4. Could sshd_config somehow changed?

5. I tried to sudo several times and got a "who are you" message. Could it result in a lock out after several tries?

6. also tried to chown www-data on the www directory. Couldn't do any harm, right?

7. It worked well until I tried to run these lines.

Please please advise and help :(

Thanks! (

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