Let's Encrypt! setup: Failed to connect...

Hi, I'm trying to setup let's encrypt on my server, but I get this as a result:

> Detail: Failed to connect to xx.xx.xxx.xxx:443 for tls-sni-01 challenge

I enacted a firewall policy, but I did not give any rules to open port 443. Should I open port 443 to allow Let's Encrypt do it's magic and then immediately close the port it after the process is done?

1 Reply


Should I open port 443 to allow Let's Encrypt do it's magic
Yes, as long as you use TLS-SNI-01 validation. (HTTP-01 uses port 80. DNS-01 uses… DNS.)


and then immediately close the port it after the process is done?
If you want.

You're not going to run an HTTPS server or something else on port 443?


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