How to reset build number in jenkins?

I am using Jenkins and Gradle to build my java project.

Every time I build my project, I get a new build number on the Jenkins screen.

The following is my Jenkins build info:

Success > Console Output #96 03-Jan-2014 15:35:08

Success > Console Output #95 03-Jan-2014 15:27:29

Failed > Console Output #94 03-Jan-2014 15:26:16

Failed > Console Output #93 03-Jan-2014 15:25:01

Failed > Console Output #92 03-Jan-2014 15:23:50

Success > Console Output #91 03-Jan-2014 12:42:32

Success > Console Output #90 03-Jan-2014 12:02:45

I want to reset the Jenkins build number like:

Success > Console Output #1 03-Jan-2014 12:02:45

How can I reset the build number in Jenkins?

Thanks in advance.

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