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Can I check my files through Linode manager?

:cry: :cry:

I have uploaded all my files through FILEZILLA in ubuntu but I don't know how to browse them through Linode manager. I wonder if I can only access all files through FILEZILLA?

7 Replies


Linode is not a shared hosting provider so you don't get the same tools that shared hosting providers offer. Your files are on your Linode. You can view the files in any way you can access a server:

1. Using Filezilla which itself is using SFTP or FTP.

2. Logging in to the terminal via Linode's Lish and then browsing them on the command line: https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … shell-lish">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/using-the-linode-shell-lish

3. Logging in to the terminal via SSH and then browsing them on the command line

4. Installing some sort of webapp that allows you to browse your files.

FTP and option 4 are the least safe to do on the Internet.

I use fish:// to work with files remotely with either Dolphin or Konqueror- graphical over ssh.

Thanks, @FelicianoTech Friend you mention everything briefly about how can we check files through Linode manager. :wink:

I am trying to use filezela to get access to my files. But i cant login.

the hostname: i enter my ipadress
password: the password i created.

is there anything i am doing wrong

There are a few possible issues, but one is that you may have secured your server so that it doesn't allow root login over SSH or password authentication. If that's the case, you can try a different user and/or configure Filezilla to use Pubkey Authentication.

Otherwise, this post on our Community Site suggests trying to reset your root password. If you're not using root, you may need to use a sudo user to have permissions to see files.

I was able to use root to login my filezela ftp. I can only see 3 folder inside the root. cache, .gnupg and .local. I am not seeing existing files that i deployes using github. I want to be able to delete all the files inside the root folder and just upload from my machine filezella


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