Increasing my disk space

Hey guys I wanted to ask in the forum first before I do this.

I notice that I'm not using 100% of my disk space on my current image since the last time Linode gave me more hard disk space.

Do I just go to edit Disk type in the max size and hit Save changes?

That won't delete and create a new image right.

Just want to 100% make sure lol.

Current Size 24320 MB

Enter a new size between 1 and 30464 to resize this disk

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3 Replies


Do I just go to edit Disk type in the max size and hit Save changes?

That won't delete and create a new image right.

Just want to 100% make sure lol.

Correct, it just extends the disk. Requires a reboot.

Didn't understand friend how can I increase my Disk Space?


Didn't understand friend how can I increase my Disk Space?

Hey there! To increase your disk space, you will want to go into Linode Manager and power the Linode down. Where the disks are listed, you will see an "edit" link next to your operating system disk. Click the "edit" link, and then change the disk size to utilize the full amount allotted to your disk, then click "save". You can read more about how to change your disk size here: … ing-a-disk">

If you are already at the maximum disk size and you still need more, you will need to upgrade your Linode's plan and then resize your disk. You can read how to resize your Linode's plan here: … -a-linode/">

Please let us know if you have any other questions!


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