Linode Security

How easily are files accessible by Linode staff? If I mount Veracrypt volume, does Linode staff have access to the contents through the KVM host or do they have to be able to log into the Linode before they could access it?

  • Yes, I'm aware having access to the host gives them access to unencrypted memory, keys, etc.

3 Replies

I would recommend you read the linode Privacy policy to get that information or maybe a staff member can answer this.


I would recommend you read the linode Privacy policy to get that information or maybe a staff member can answer this.

I'm asking from a technical standpoint, not a policy standpoint. Policy is meaningless when it comes to a curious or disgruntled employee, for example. I know it would be possible, but I'm looking for how simple it is to do so.

It's not trivial, but it's very possible. This would be true of any VPS provider, regardless of virtualization technology used.


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