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Do you people use StackScripts?

Hey everyone!

I'm just curious? Do you guys use StackScripts? Maybe in the last 6 months at least?

Also, are the StackScripts you use completely custom written? Or do they utilize a tool such as Ansible, Chef, or Salt?

3 Replies

Never used them. I use a combination of custom scripts and Ansible.

I actually never even tried them, so I have no real opinion about them.


Never used them. I use a combination of custom scripts and Ansible.

I actually never even tried them, so I have no real opinion about them.

Cool, thanks for sharing.Untitled event

haven't really used stackscripts but tried my hand at it for centmin mod installs on centos 7 https://community.centminmod.com/thread … ipt.12513/">https://community.centminmod.com/threads/official-centmin-mod-linode-stackscript.12513/ :)


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