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configuring domain name


This is the first time I try to configure an app to a domain name and I'm having some difficulties doing it.

So I have an app running on tomcat on a linode box, and I'm accessing it like: (not the real adddress), and i just bought a domain name at godday: www.mydomainname.com.

In the godaddy console I was pointing www.mydomainname.com to and it was redirecting fine, but it kept showing the ip instead of the domain name.

I also created some default values records in the linode's dns manager.

But how am I supposed to do this? I've read some stuff about adding an entry to my /etc/hosts/ file, something like: www.mydomainname.com

but it didnt work, could someone please help me?

thanks a lot!

1 Reply

I suggest taking the time to read through the Linode guides on DNS. Come back to the forum if you still have questions after that.


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