
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS with 64-bit kernel but 32-bit environment after originally installing version 12 as full 32-bit at some point I upgraded and ended up with this hybrid which runs fine but is now causing problems with installing rubygems as they think it's full 64-bit but then some 64-bit executables don't run. I don't fully understand but I thought the simplest thing for the future might be to do a clean install of 64-bit ubuntu (taking the opportunity to update to version 16.04) and reinstall all my apps to make sure everything is compatible.

If I fire up another Linode and install everything can I then swap my old IP address over to the new Linode?

I've got several web applications running and some websites that I don't control the DNS server for so switching IP at the DNS level would be a pain.

Am I mad? Is there an easier way?

2 Replies

Typically it is recommended that you do what you mentioned and completely upgrade to a 64-bit environment. The path you have chosen to take by creating a new Linode is also the safest as you can configure your environment beforehand to make sure everything works.

If I fire up another Linode and install everything can I then swap my old IP address over to the new Linode?

Yes, as long as both of your Linodes are in the same DC you can easily swap IP addresses. … -addresses">

Am I mad? Is there an easier way?

Nope, seems like you've got the right idea :)

Thanks, that's reassuring that someone else agrees


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