RTP/Asterisk/FreeSWITCH on Linode

I was wondering if anyone had any experience running Asterisk/FreeSWITCH (or anything handling RTP media) on Linode and what the results were? I'd be interested to know how the software handles being on a virtualised server, what the performance is like, any issues encountered and settings that were tweaked to help alleviate issues.

The key factors would be CPU performance, networking latency and the node configuration itself.


1 Reply

I have been running an Asterisk 13.17.2 server using pjsip for one month now with no problems.

There was nothing special that I had to do to get it working on the vps (1024).

This is just for my own private use so call traffic is very low.

The cpu usage is lower than on my home server (low end atom based). I am also running mysql (odbc) and apache2 with plenty of memory to spare.

I was able to build Asterisk from source right on the vps very quickly.

Though call traffic is low it is running a very complex dial plan for private use anyway. The calls have been clean very little to no packet loss good latency.

I did choose a server location close to my voip providers.


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