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Is RedHat 8 far from now?

As title.

Is there an ETA for RedHat 8?

Will we see it in 2018? in 2019?


2 Replies


As title.

Is there an ETA for RedHat 8?

Will we see it in 2018? in 2019?


Hi there! Red Hat typically doesn't disclose future release cycles or schedules. You can see release date information at https://access.redhat.com/articles/3078.

Red Hat (and CentOS) have long release cycles.

Let us know if you have additional questions!

  • Jim



As title.

Is there an ETA for RedHat 8?

Will we see it in 2018? in 2019?


Hi there! Red Hat typically doesn't disclose future release cycles or schedules. You can see release date information at https://access.redhat.com/articles/3078.

Red Hat (and CentOS) have long release cycles.

Let us know if you have additional questions!

  • Jim

very interesting article. thank you!


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