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How to set up teamspeak3 server?

Hello forum! I'm new to Linode and Linux in general (just started 2 weeks ago…-ish?), and had set up nginx + php for my use already.. Now I want to set up teamspeak3.

After reading some tutorials (and searching the forums, to see if other users like me are having the same problem), I can't seem to find the solution to my problem.

Here are the ports that teamspeak needs/wants to use:
> Default voice port (UDP in): 9987

Default filetransfer port (TCP in): 30033

Default serverquery port (TCP in): 10011

Default tsdns port (TCP in): 41144

Default weblist port (UDP out): 2011-2110 (first available port in given range)

I wish to set up teamspeak in the sense that people can connect to my sub-domain without a port. I've got an idea that I could always use nginx's ability to reverse proxy, that would mean that I don't have to open up yet another port for my firewall (which is my original goal). However… there are a couple of problems that pops out in my mind:
4. If I have nginx reverse proxy the connection to localhost:9987, that would mean people is able to join the server normally, right?

  1. But what if they try to do this on their web browser instead, what would happen?

  2. Do I need to set up the correct SRV record for Linode to route the connection with the correct protocol to nginx?

  3. Does nginx even support the "ts3server" protocol and link correctly to the voice server to allow other people to join correctly?

  4. While 9987 could be reversed proxy normally, what can I do with the other ports in the list? I really don't want to open any other ports in my VPS.

Here is my dumpzone file (with some information truncated/edited) in case anyone needs it:

; example.com [1234567]
$TTL 300
@    IN  SOA ns1.linode.com. admin.example.com. 2017101347 14400 14400 1209600 300
@        NS  ns1.linode.com.
@        NS  ns2.linode.com.
@        NS  ns3.linode.com.
@        NS  ns4.linode.com.
@        NS  ns5.linode.com.
@            MX  10  mx.yandex.net.
@            A
sub1            A
sub2            A
sub3            A
sub4            A
sub5            A
ts                A
www            A
*            CNAME   sub5.example.com.
mail            CNAME   mail.yandex.com.
testing            CNAME   sub5.example.com.
_minecraft._tcp        SRV 0 5 25765 sub3.example.com.

Note: is Linode's IP

Sorry for such a long post.. I hope someone can help.. Sorry, and thank you!

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