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Decentralized Video Broadcasting

Livepeer is an open source project to decentralize video broadcasting on the internet, using Ethereum Blockchain.

It would be fantastic if Linode would consider adding a few nodes to the network. It could be a nice supplement for

revenue to think about.

It is still in the development stage, but there is a testnet available.

Visit https://livepeer.org

5 Replies

Why does Linode need to add it? Why can't you just buy a few Linodes and do it yourself?


Why does Linode need to add it? Why can't you just buy a few Linodes and do it yourself?

Because I'm a lone wolf in this game. I don't have the deep pockets. Linode on the other hand

has the hardware already in place. They would basically be taking part in an effort to usher in a

new way of doing business on the internet as well as driving their own revenue. Their "donation"

of even a single server (ex: transcoder) could really impact this build out.



Why does Linode need to add it? Why can't you just buy a few Linodes and do it yourself?

Because I'm a lone wolf in this game. I don't have the deep pockets. Linode on the other hand

has the hardware already in place. They would basically be taking part in an effort to usher in a

new way of doing business on the internet as well as driving their own revenue. Their "donation"

of even a single server (ex: transcoder) could really impact this build out.

If it would be a nice supplement for Linode's revenue - it would be a nice supplement for yours too.




Why does Linode need to add it? Why can't you just buy a few Linodes and do it yourself?

Because I'm a lone wolf in this game. I don't have the deep pockets. Linode on the other hand

has the hardware already in place. They would basically be taking part in an effort to usher in a

new way of doing business on the internet as well as driving their own revenue. Their "donation"

of even a single server (ex: transcoder) could really impact this build out.

If it would be a nice supplement for Linode's revenue - it would be a nice supplement for yours too.

Anyone can participate, broadcasters, businesses, healthcare. The possibles are endless. There is

even a TV blockchain in development: https://tv-two.com/

We're not going to do marketing for you, sorry


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