Maintenance scheduled for Meltdown security vulnerability

Maintenance was scheduled to be done on my linode at 8am UTC today. At one point the maintenance status changed to "In Process". It is currently "Maintenance Required". I waited over 2.5 hours from the start of the maintenance window and the linode never went down. Has this maintenance been rescheduled? Taking longer than expected? Complete and requires something from me to complete the patch? I'd really like to get some idea what's going on so I can schedule my time and communicate with my clients.

2 Replies

These two official pages may help, otherwise you could open a support ticket and ask for a statement. … statement/"> … n-spectre/">


These two official pages may help, otherwise you could open a support ticket and ask for a statement. … statement/"> … n-spectre/">
I saw those but they really don't provide any insight. I posted a response to the ticket they opened which notified me of the planned outage. They haven't responded to that. I've seen Linode staff respond here so I thought I'd give it a shot.


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