"Future Mainteance is Pending"

Wanted to get some clarification around what "Future Maintenance is Pending" and "Phase 1 Complete" mean. Does this mean that Meltdown mitigation is complete and "Phase 2" is merely a placeholder for forthcoming Spectre patches? We want to communicate this info up to our users and leadership from a vetted source rather than saying "We think this is what this means".

Thanks for keeping on top of the remediation! Much appreciated.

1 Reply


The "Phase 1 Complete" is in reference to future updates that will be required to mitigate all variants of Spectre. We don't have an exact timeframe for that yet, but we will communicate with you once a schedule has been determined.

Please keep an eye on our blog for any new updates:

https://blog.linode.com/2018/01/03/cpu- … n-spectre/">https://blog.linode.com/2018/01/03/cpu-vulnerabilities-meltdown-spectre/

https://linode.com/docs/platform/meltdo … -customers">https://linode.com/docs/platform/meltdown_statement/#what-does-this-mean-for-linode-customers

Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime. Thanks!


Stephen Crane…

Linode Customer Support


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