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Is there any ETA for RedHat 8 and CentOS 8?

As title.

Is there any ETA for RedHat 8 and CentOS 8?

If not, we know the year when they will be released?


6 Replies

It looks like RHEL 8 is still in initial development, and there's no published alpha version just yet. There likely won't be a release date set until later on in the development process.

The best source of information is going to be from the developers themselves. The RHEL community page is here:


And the CentOS forums are here:


RHEL 8 beta was announced a few days ago:


Documentation is here:


Based on past timelines, I'd guess we'll see CentOS 8 alongside the GA release next summer.

You can get RHEL 8 up and running yourself 1. You can use a Free Developer Subscription if need be.

You can get RHEL 8 up and running yourself 1. You can use a Free Developer Subscription if need be 2.

Great news! CentOS 8 was released yesterday and we now have an image available for deployment. This means you can spin up a fresh CentOS 8 Linode today!

For reference, here's a list of all our distributions.


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