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Unusual: no response from support for over 24 hours

Anyone facing slow support issues lately?

The last time I had to contact support was a year back: things just work on linode :) And never in 5 years I had to wait more than an hour to hear back from someone. This time 24 hours and still waiting for first response. Wonder what's up.

There is a notice on the support page about large volumes due to meltdown/spectre – are people just rubber-necking hearing about meltdown or real issues, no idea.


4 Replies


Anyone facing slow support issues lately?

The last time I had to contact support was a year back: things just work on linode :) And never in 5 years I had to wait more than an hour to hear back from someone. This time 24 hours and still waiting for first response. Wonder what's up.

There is a notice on the support page about large volumes due to meltdown/spectre – are people just rubber-necking hearing about meltdown or real issues, no idea.


Ticket response times are up due to high ticket volume, as you yourself noted from the banner that is currently displayed in Manager.

If you need a faster response, I suggest calling the support line:

U.S.: 855-454-6633

Intl.: +1-609-380-7100

Hmm… So one has to dial up a number, go through the motions only to get a voice mail prompt and then no response. If this is the new normal, I'm disappointed.

Probably you are keeping the costs low -- but I suspect many people like me are with Linode because of everything just works and when there is a need (rarely), the support is only an email away. Not by cost comparison with digitalocean or whatever. If necessary, increase the price a bit but please continue to provide excellent service that you always have.

I just need an additional public IP and still no word after 44 hours…


Hello Selva,

I apologize you reached a voicemail prompt. That should not normally be the case and that is absolutely not the level of service we wish to provide. There is an initial message when you call that describes what we would need to authenticate you to an account or ticket, then you should have been forwarded to our Customer Support team. You should always reach a member of the Support Team when you call at any time, 24/7.

We are doing our best to return ticket response times to normal. I thank you for your patience and understanding.


Stephen Crane…

Linode Customer Support

Finally I did get my ticket addressed to, and as usual the request resolved in the first round. And my warm feeling about Linode is back..

Thanks a lot.



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