Mixed mode errors after moving website to https / ssl

I corrected most of the links of my website from http to https however I'm still getting mixed mode errors for each page.

Suprisingly the erros point to icons loaded from a "ti.com" domain last I checked up ti.com is a semiconductor company and I don't think I've ever pointed to that domain.

Each of my webpages is giving 4 standard errors and one of them is as under

Blocked loading mixed active content "http://www.ti.com/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2"

A find through all the pages isn't able to locate the ti.com domain.

My website is HTML5 / jquery and CSS framework is bootstrap.


6 Replies

Did you check your CSS?

The CSS font-face rule can remote-load fonts (like the above .woff2 file), so its possible that your CSS is loading them indirectly.


Did you check your CSS?

The CSS font-face rule can remote-load fonts (like the above .woff2 file), so its possible that your CSS is loading them indirectly.

I did a search in css as well as html files for the term "ti.com" and that didn't yield any results.

Maybe the final string 'ti.com' is just a broken variable or a bad result from a string concatenation and/or substitution.

Better to look for the woff2 file as a string.

It all depends on how your site is setup, does it minify CSS? does it auto-load remote files from the header? does it inject inline code? are these strings stored in a database and not on files? so on and so forth.


Maybe the final string 'ti.com' is just a broken variable or a bad result from a string concatenation and/or substitution.

Better to look for the woff2 file as a string.

It all depends on how your site is setup, does it minify CSS? does it auto-load remote files from the header? does it inject inline code? are these strings stored in a database and not on files? so on and so forth.

Are there any tools that well point out from which file this resource is loading, firefox console only shows the html page.

On the ti.com website the fonts are being loaded from /assets/en/css/header.css - do you have any similarly named CSS files? Check them for 'MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2'.

The firefox debugger's network section has a "cause" column which would tell you what triggered the loading of a particular resource.

On top of that if you use e.g. wordpress, changing the primary URL of the website requires adjustment in the configuration and in the WP database. Templates and plugins also have a tendency to have hardcoded URLs in them.


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