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Ubuntu 16.04 Adding new Partitions

I'm not sure how to create new Partitions for /var, /var/log, /home, /etc, /opt…..and so on.

I don't want the server to crash if out of space.

What is best practices for creating new server partitions and Disk Quotas?

I cannot use gparted as I have not allowed X11, so I will need to do this with parted, or another console app.

Normally, I have a Kick-Start installer script for Ubuntu that handles this, however, Linode create one master / partition.

Any help, would be great.

3 Replies

So, after looking online. It appears I will shutdown the Linode, then resize my disk to shrink it.

And after that, create up to six disks, one for each partition.

Change the Config Profile, to use the disks under Block Device Assignment… sdc, sdd, … and so on.

Force single user mode as well.

Copy the data over and change fstab to auto mount my partitions.

Turn back on multi-user mode.


I'll pay for a new Volume and attach it to the node, then Backup - Before attempting all this.

Sound like a plan?

The best practice is not to do this. VPS disks are small. Many old books would give you the advice to partition UNIX servers but in this case you have no benefits whatsoever. What will inevitably happen is that one of your now much smaller partitions - probably /var - would get full, and you won't be able to do anything until you repartition again. I know this because this happened to me before. In this day and age, with advanced reliable filesystems and block device virtualization, this approach doesn't make a lot of sense.

Thanks, emestee

I think you're 100% correct….Thanks again.


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