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can Nodebalancer handel multiple domains with SSL certificates

Hi All,

I have few questions regarding what is possible with Linode's NodeBalancer.

1. Is it possible to have floating IP for Nodebalancer so that if primary nodebalancer fails secondary NodeBalancer can takeover.

2. Can the backend nodes be in different data centres.

3. also the is the Nodebalancer going to be a linux instance/server that i can ssh into or is it just a blackbox that I can only configure from UI ?

Currently I have multiple domains with SSL certificates (using let's encrypt) on single server(from different hosting provider) configured with nginx. My question is it possible to configure NodeBalancer to handle SSL certificates or Do I need to have SSL certificates on each backend node as well?


5 Replies


I will be happy to try and address your questions:

1. No, it is not possible to have a floating IP for a Nodebalancer, however the Linode Nodebalancers are already redundant so if one Nodebalancer fails, another one will automatically pick up the load and continue on the same IP address.

2. The backend nodes should be in the same datacenter as the Nodebalancer as the private network can only communicate in the same datacenter.

3. You do not have SSH access to the Nodebalancer. You can configure it via the Linode Manager settings page by following the steps here:

https://linode.com/docs/platform/nodeba … debalancer">https://linode.com/docs/platform/nodebalancer/getting-started-with-nodebalancers/#configuring-a-nodebalancer

It is possible to configure a NodeBalancer to handle SSL certificates. You can read more about this here: https://linode.com/docs/platform/nodeba … iguration/">https://linode.com/docs/platform/nodebalancer/nodebalancer-ssl-configuration/

Hope this helps!


Stephen Crane…

Linode Customer Support

Just as an addendum to the above, I want to also clarify that Nodebalancers can only handle one SSL certificate on them. You would not be able to host multiple SSL certificates on a Nodebalancer.


Just as an addendum to the above, I want to also clarify that Nodebalancers can only handle one SSL certificate on them. You would not be able to host multiple SSL certificates on a Nodebalancer.

Hi Stephen, thanks for your response. so the I understand is it is not possible to handle multiple SSL certificates using Nodebalancer. so I was wondering If I can use Linode 1GB instance as my custom loadbalancer that has HAProxy configured to act as load balancer. and then have other instances to act as backend.

I know that in theory it would be possible to do above but I wondering if I could have some redundancy provided for HAProxy instance by Linode.


I'm using HAproxy to handle multiple SSL certificates and to load-balance lots of servers. I use multiple HAproxy servers, some do web traffic load-balancing among web servers and other HAproxy servers do SQL load-balancing for database access.

Below those load-balanced servers, I also use several Galera clusters, and some custom system of my own for shared storage (most people just use GlusterFS).

The communication between all the servers happens via the fake-private (192.168.x.x) interface.


I'm using HAproxy to handle multiple SSL certificates and to load-balance lots of servers. I use multiple HAproxy servers, some do web traffic load-balancing among web servers and other HAproxy servers do SQL load-balancing for database access.

Below those load-balanced servers, I also use several Galera clusters, and some custom system of my own for shared storage (most people just use GlusterFS).

The communication between all the servers happens via the fake-private (192.168.x.x) interface.

ohh that is nice to hear that you have already setup HAproxy, I will try to set it up myself now thanks for your reply :)


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