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Slow Support Time For Additional IP's?


What is the normal time needed for support tickets to be completed for additional IP requests?

I have been a customer for many years and when needing this in the past was usually completed very fast.

9 Replies

Support response time in general has increased significantly due to large increases in the number of customers (and subsequently the number of support tickets created) due to the $10 and $5 plan introductions. Response times on the order of an hour or more are much more common these days.

There isn't really a guaranteed time frame, it depends upon the amount of tickets support has to get through. During periods of particular high ticket volume, it can take a while - they get to each request in the order that it's received, with the exception of urgent stuff wheres someone's Linode has been taken offline, etc.

If you want to speed up the process, I would recommend giving them a call: https://www.linode.com/contact

Guess I miss the old days of super fast ticket responses. Mine has been sitting for over 5 hours, which I am just not used to.

I suppose my favorite saying applies: "It is what it is" :)

When this happened to me recently, it took over 24 hours. But once they got to it it was handled perfectly, as usual. It seems the support load is high these days or this is the new normal.

My support ticket just hit the 32hr mark without a reply so support load must be really high. Hoping this is not the new normal. :(

I've had the same experience regarding degraded customer support turnaround recently (several months) and have been with Linode virtually since its inception.

If Linode are growing rapidly, their support should be scaling with the increased demand.

One of the core reasons why I've been a loyal Linode customer is because of their support which outshone the competition. I'm reluctant to consider spending time considering alternatives and possibly having to migrate my business elsewhere, but unless there's a noticeable improvement, to within "reasonable" response times, I will have to investigate alternatives. Running a business on a platform where you have to chase/beg/wait for support isn't acceptable.

Over two full days for me and nothing.

Should a 5 grand a year account for several years matter?

Alternatives are looking better.

Hmm.. so more and more looking like a new normal. Hopefully, those who need too much support (aka those who shouldn't be using Linode) may leave and then we'll be back to good old days. Wishful thinking? Which "looking better" alternatives – I'm yet to find one I can live with.


If Linode are growing rapidly, their support should be scaling with the increased demand.

They are trying to, but as I understand it, finding qualified candidates in the area has been challenging. The new office in Philly should help.


Should a 5 grand a year account for several years matter?

No. Linode provides the same support experience regardless of how much you pay them. (Besides, you're still just a drop in the bucket.)

Doing some math based on the ticket numbers in my account, here are some stats: When I started working for Linode (doing customer support, even) in March 2012, we were averaging about 330 tickets per day. Based on the numbers I have, between the start of December 2017 and the end of February, there were an average of about 2,100 tickets per day. This is a more than six-fold increase in just 6 years. Linode's support staff definitely hasn't gotten 6 times larger in that time, so keeping up with that growth is a real challenge.

The bottom line is that the days of 5 minute response times are probably gone forever, so get used to it. If you have an urgent issue, like your Linode is down and you've already checked that it isn't due to something internal to the Linode, filing a ticket with all the information you have and following it up with an immediate phone call is the best way to get an immediate response. (But note that if a host is dead, Linode's monitoring is going to notice it pretty quickly, so if you can't get into the host via Lish, wait a bit.) If it isn't urgent, then have patience; they'll get to your ticket as soon as they can (and keep in mind that while you're waiting, the tickets they've answered in that time may have been waiting just as long, if not longer, than you for their responses).


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