SteamCMD/SCP: Secret Lab

I've got most of what I need to done, but I'm stuck at this point. I'm not super familiar with command line stuff, unfortunately.

I'm trying to ultimately get SCP: Secret Lab running as a dedicated server to host from, and have gotten SteamCMD to install the needed files for that, as well as installed mono-complete. However, everything I've seen for this game suggests I need a GUI to meaningfully do anything more.

I'm, unfortunately, too inept with Linux to even find the filepath established for the SCP and mono files to try to launch them through command line, per the guides for setting up servers within the SCP:SL section in steam.

Guides I've tried to follow to the best of my ability: … 1284380347"> … 1298424787">

1 Reply


This project of mine may be a little help: … rver-magic"> This is a complete installer for Arma II AO dedicated server on Linux.

To my experience, dedicated servers as a rule of thumb do not require any GUI, however they often require arcane configuration files and a forest of command line options.


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