Delete Linode API v4, Do I need to make anything first?

In API v3 here:

it says:

"To prevent accidental deletes, this requires the Linode has no Disk images. You must first delete its disk images."

In API v4 here … tances/$id">$id

the DELETE says:

"Deletes this Linode. This action cannot be undone."

So there is no need to shutdown or delete its disk images or anything else

I am asking just to be sure

1 Reply


You are correct. With API v4 there is no need to power down the Linode or delete the disk images. It will take care of removing the billing packages as well.

In case you need to find the Linode ID, you can do so via the CLI, like so:

>$ linode-cli linodes list

Or via a shell command:

>$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

Also, in case you were not aware API v3 is deprecated so we recommend only using API v4 moving forward. Hope that helps!


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