"customer support interface" security issue?

A blog post at

http://bitcoinmedia.com/compromised-lin … nd-others/">http://bitcoinmedia.com/compromised-linode-coins-stolen-from-slush-faucet-and-others/

by Mark Palatinus claims that his linode was compromised by a

"customer support interface" issue.

I would like to hear more about this : is this account accurate? Was/is there a security flaw in the Linode Manager?

3 Replies

Look at here.

http://status.linode.com/2012/03/manage … ident.html">http://status.linode.com/2012/03/manager-security-incident.html

I'd just like to thank Linode for having an excellent audit trail so that they were able to determine exactly what happened.

Thanks for keeping everyone informed. :)

There's also another thread underway over here.


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