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Very happy with Linode

I'd been using Linode for around 5 months, and we've just transferred our production website, GuruGamers Forums, to a Linode.

We were previously using a shared web host, who recommended that we needed a dedicated server to cover the load, even though traffic is around 4000 pageviews per day. This obviously wasn't ideal, and they were only slightly cheaper than the base Linode!

Since the move, I've had 100% uptime according to UptimeRobot, and our users have been incredibly happy with the site and database performance. Linode support have been prompt and kind when asked for help, and I would wholeheartedly recommend them.

The highlight for me has to be the graphs in the control panel, especially on the mobile app. It's fantastic to be able to easily log in on mobile and take a look at load and transfer, to make sure everything is ticking over well.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day.

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Thanks for sharing your positive experience! It is always nice to hear :)




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