Excellent Product, Better Service

Customer Service:

I cannot praise the customer support enough. They are friendly, understanding, and best of all - they talk on your level. Some places will talk to you as if you were Einstein, some talk to you like you are a raging idiot, and others just type a manual entry - but not Linode. They respond on the same level you create the ticket on. When someone asks me what the best customer support I have encountered is, I say Linode.

Products & Prices:

I can find places with better prices, but I stay with Linode because I choose quality over quantity. When my server was compromised and used as a spam mailer, they were patient and provided what assistance they could. When my card expired and I forgot to update it, they turned my server back on for a few hours while I was getting the new card info. That makes the quality of the product worth the extra $5-10.

In short, Linode sets a new standard for customer support & I would recommend them over any other VPS provider.

P.S.: The one thing I would like to see is a builtin domain registrar and SSL CA. Even if they are reseller-based.

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Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad that you are enjoying our service!


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