Linode GUI management

It is actually first VPS services that I'm using seriously. At first because of my own stupidity I missed the opportunity to read it's official documentation. And misjudged Linode for its services. So very important thing to memorize for everyone is "RTFM" which stands for Read The Fine Manual. I found that You can use your own VPS images on linode at will. After a little bit of reading I have only one suggestion for now.

I found the restriction of configuring linodes only via GUI (which probably most people enjoy) difficult It would be nice to be able to do all of that via command line if possible.

However it's not causing any troubles, just I find most GUI's complicated. It is however just a tiny suggestion and not a complain in any way.

2 Replies


I found the restriction of configuring linodes only via GUI (which probably most people enjoy) difficult It would be nice to be able to do all of that via command line if possible.


Did… you consider reading the manual?

You seem determined to wander the forums posting about how dumb people are, oblivious to the fact that thus far you've responded to some forum spambot and somebody who was being facetious. May want to try reading a bit more carefully.

  • Les


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