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Thank you Linode for shining

You know Linode is an outstanding provider – when "bad actors" set their sites on it and try to harm the company and it's innocent customers. The recent attacks (I would NOT be surprised if top leadership of big-name competing cloud-providers/platform are sponsoring), have only REINFORCED why I'll stay with Linode. Linode is far more responsive and a diversified-network (and better value without platform lock-in) than other providers I've worked with. And we need this kind of diversity openness and ingenuity more than ever.

Ken J, WI USA (a customer for three years)

1 Reply


You know Linode is an outstanding provider – when "bad actors" set their sites on it and try to harm the company and it's innocent customers. The recent attacks (I would NOT be surprised if top leadership of big-name competing cloud-providers/platform are sponsoring), have only REINFORCED why I'll stay with Linode. Linode is far more responsive and a diversified-network (and better value without platform lock-in) than other providers I've worked with. And we need this kind of diversity openness and ingenuity more than ever.

Ken J, WI USA (a customer for three years)

Ken, thank you for the kind words. I know I'm a bit late in responding to this, but it's truly appreciated.


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