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I am disappointed with linode

I am disappointed with linode,because the respon is so slow and even over one day!

and then no respon at all ! so bad !

sevice is so bad

4 Replies

Hi there,

We try to respond as quickly, efficiently, and effectively as possible to any support requests. If you find that you're having trouble getting a response for a ticket as quickly as you'd like, then you should be able to call us at our phone lines 24/7 for a near immediate response. Just to clarify a little further, our phone numbers are as follows:



Intl.: +1 609-380-7100

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions, concerns, or comments.


Hi there,

We try to respond as quickly, efficiently, and effectively as possible to any support requests. If you find that you're having trouble getting a response for a ticket as quickly as you'd like, then you should be able to call us at our phone lines 24/7 for a near immediate response. Just to clarify a little further, our phone numbers are as follows:



Intl.: +1 609-380-7100

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions, concerns, or comments.

Ticket #8967880 wait for 24 hours more , one two … more times to ask to confirm that? it is nessesary?

please quickly ok??

Hello again,

Thanks for getting back to us. Since it sounds like this is a matter of special urgency to you I was able to go ahead and grab your ticket, and you should have a response from us there within the next few minutes.

Let us know if there's anything else you might need from us.


Hello again,

Thanks for getting back to us. Since it sounds like this is a matter of special urgency to you I was able to go ahead and grab your ticket, and you should have a response from us there within the next few minutes.

Let us know if there's anything else you might need from us.

Thank u it has done , :P


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