Linode: We've come a long way. :D

I just realised that with the recent resource-doubling upgrade, the lowest-priced plan is now better than the highest-priced plan that was available back when Linode began.

In July 2003, a Linode 256 was the highest-priced plan available, and looked like this:

Linode 256 in July 2003

  • Monthly Price: $79.95

  • Disk Space: 4GB

  • RAM: 256MB

  • Bandwidth: 100GB/month

Now, the Linode 256 is the lowest-priced plan and comes with 8GB of space rather than 4GB - and the rest is the same. :D Not bad at all.

Linode 256 today

  • Monthly Price: $19.95

  • Disk Space: 8GB

  • RAM: 256MB

  • Bandwidth: 100GB/month

The only downside is the contention ratio - the original Linode 256, being the highest-priced plan, had a contention ratio of < 8:1, whereas the one available now is < 40:1.

For comparison, the lowest-priced plan at the beginning of Linode was the Linode 64:

Linode 64 in July 2003

  • Monthly Price: $19.95

  • Disk Space: 1GB

  • RAM: 64MB

  • Bandwidth: 25GB/month

How far we've come. :D

I started with Linode in February 2004. By that time Linode had already given double the amount of space to customers. :D It's hard to believe I've been here three years already, hee.

Linode really are awesome. The interface is very easy to use and I would wholeheartedly recommend them.

I'd love to hear more about what people remember of their own Linodes, and how long other people have been with Linode. :D

4 Replies

It's been few months now and I'm really impressed with my Linode and all the tools that comes with it.

The recent resources upgrade is great.

I signed up for my Linode 64 on 24 October 2003. It started out on host9 at Fremont and stayed there until the start of the Xen beta. It migrated to host56 (the Xen host - also at Fremont) on 27 March 2006 and is still there.

The only substantial down time has been caused by me fixing stuff that wasn't broken - aka 'seeing what happens if…'.

The contention ratio may be better than it looks; CPU power has also increased in the last four years.

Chris, is that contention ratio really the ratio for that hardware, or is it based on some theoretical CPU that Linode defined?

It's worst case contention ratio – newer hosts have more RAM, therefore we can fit 40 nodes on them (with room to spare). For older hosts the ratio decreases according to physical space on those machines.



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