Great Service & Support

I just bought a Linode roughly two weeks ago had a few troubles as I'm no Linux expert. One thing I would especially like to comment on is the excellent support that they offer in the IRC channel! It seems as if someone is always around to lend a helping hand.

Nothing but good marks for Linode! Fast and EASY setup. Was up and running in no time.

One last comment about their help is that they just don't tell you how to fix it, they SHOW you how to fix it… This was my first time running my own "server" and I probably would have given up without them!




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It's important to note that a lot of the value of the IRC channel comes from the fellow Linodians hanging out in the channel. Chris, Tom, and I are around, or nearby, a great percentage of the time and love to help out as much as possible when there. The times when we aren't, it's the fellow customers', many whom may have had the same problem before, willingness to help others learn that makes the channel great.

For those of you who haven't been to the Linode IRC channel, I invite you to stop by and say hello.



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