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Great Uptime!

10:18:08 up 362 days, 14:18, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

BTW, there is a load on this machine, its just not constant.

Every year, I see something like the above.

I've even noticed a lack of latency (knock on wood) in the past year.

That, along with the linode upgrades (more drive space and memory without increase in billing) keeps me a firm advocate for Linode.com.

I've actually indirectly convinced two IRC colleages to join the fold.

6 Replies

ron@starchild:~$ uptime

21:54:43 up 336 days, 9:06, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Uptimes like this keep me from wanting to perform upgrades! :)

I think I've been with Linode at least 5 years now. I'm not going anywhere else!

# uptime

08:39:00 up 279 days, 12:39, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

I can't remember why I rebooted, it was too long ago…

Old and busted: Uptime

New hotness: Availability

Reboot once in awhile. Make sure your startup scripts work. :-)

dunno about that. compared to other hosting, uptime is a godsend, which is why I posted this in the customer testimonials. you can have availability and still have the hosting admins rebooting Linux with a M$ mentality.

IMO, uptime == code stability, which is just as important as availability, especially when factoring in virtual instances of Linux via UML.


Reboot once in awhile. Make sure your startup scripts work. :-)

There is some real truth to this. At work, went over to DR for a prod outage to add memory. Machine didn't come back due to some bad params. Took the admin a few hours to fix. Wasn't a big deal as a whole because we have real DR, but was a fun time.


Old and busted: Uptime

New hotness: Availability
I always do the driving. I remember that.


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