Linode rocks

Hi, I am using 2 linodes for almost a year now. one 512 and other 1024.

I am really taking the 512 to it's maximum capacity and very happy about the performance. Yesterday I emptied couple of mysql tables accidentally. Unfortunately my db backup was few days older … hence tried the linode backup …. created a new 512 linode, used the linode backup to create new instance …. got the database …

Simply amazing …. all the best linode …



9 Replies

I happily think Richard that you indeed do have an excilent experience using Linode.

If you know any friends who wish to sign up with Linode or anyone else, I'd appreciate it if you would mind passing my referral code at the bottum of my post along , as service credits would be useful!

The biggest area for me has been Linode's support team. Regardless of if I am emailing the

~~[](]( [I've been quite successful in getting responses.

Danny for instance, once was kind enough to help me out when I had a problem getting the WordPress stack script to work correctly. Turned out I needed to generate some lines in the said editor, and I saved his instructions later as a document that I created in the future, just in case!

He is to be fully commended in any case.

Also, the users on these forums were kind enough once ages ago when I posted a question about SPF tx record validation.

I still can find that exactly post, and that was ages back if you all recall helping me with that.

I think you said that Linode's DNS system puts the quotes in automatically aroudn teh v= lines,a anyways, so that's awesome.

Please keep up the good community support you folks have contributed to over the years.](

I agree that the speed and reliability of Linode is second to none. I have a few 512s myself and find that they perform incredibly well under pressure. :)


Why would he use your referral code to refer his friends? Additionally, can you please stop referral whoring all over the forums and posting things that contribute nothing other than your referral code to the discussion at hand? Thanks.

> Why would he use your referral code to refer his friends? Additionally, can you please stop referral whoring all over the forums

Exactly, on Linode's own support forums too lol! Cut it out, you just make yourself seem like a lame spammer.


I agree that the speed and reliability of Linode is second to none. I have a few 512s myself and find that they perform incredibly well under pressure. :)


Why would he use your referral code to refer his friends? Additionally, can you please stop referral whoring all over the forums and posting things that contribute nothing other than your referral code to the discussion at hand? Thanks.

I agree that there was some referral whoring going on, but otherwise his post had more content than yours, so I wouldn't criticize too loudly about that if I were you.


FWIW, I agree with Pony.

I count 11 sentences in the post in question. 2 were referral whoring. The other 9 were not. They provided relevant content.

I count 1 sentence in your post. Did it provide any relevant content?

bji, I was just stating my opinion.

Furthermore, I wasn't referring to simply that one post above, I was referring to all of his posts. They are frequently long-winded, in response to questions he admits he doesn't know the answer to, with a referral plug somewhere. So yeah, I think pony has a valid point. Thanks,


> Why would he use your referral code to refer his friends? Additionally, can you please stop referral whoring all over the forums

Exactly, on Linode's own support forums too lol! Cut it out, you just make yourself seem like a lame spammer.


once was kind enough to help me out when I had a problem getting the WordPress stack script to work correctly. Turned out I needed to generate some lines in the said editor, and I saved his instructions later as a document that I created in the future, just in case!


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