My one problem with linode....

It doesn't make me breakfast.

Seriously. We run an android based IRC network, most of our servers are linodes. They're great.

6 Replies

My local pizza purveyor allegedly sells breakfast pizza with delivery starting at 7 am. They definitely have online ordering. You should be able to script something and fire it by cron every morning.


I thought you were going to say "storage" :D


I thought you were going to say "storage" :D

Where do you expect him to store the pizza, you bozo?


I find the pizza storage plan a little small. I prefer an XL pizza, and that doesn't leave much room if you want wings or something else on the side, even on a Linode 2048!

Anybody looked into storing pizza on S3 and mounting that?

I dunno, with S3 you're breaking your pizza up into individual slices, and because it's not consistent you can never know if you've successfully eaten a piece of pizza or not…

True, and with the latency and slow transfer rates, I expect there will be plenty of tummy rumbles. And certainly no "<30ms or it's free" kinda deals there!

Anybody have better ideas for pizza storage?


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