I love my two Linode 1024 machines!

I have been a customer of Linode for about 2-3 months. I started off with one Linode 1024; a great machine. I decided that I then wanted to host a Minecraft server which is the reason that I got my second Linode. I am very happy with the service Linode provides. I just wanted to drop in to let future customers know how great Linode is!

4 Replies

You know you need a third Linode to monitor those two. :-)


You know you need a third Linode to monitor those two. :-)
All the more reason to get the third! :D

That's awesome, how many clients can you support? Oh, Minecraft totally rocks btw.

Not to take money away from Linode, but I run a Minecraft server off my 512 while it's running vent/mumble/apache/mysql/etc. The 1024mb memory limit that the guides use for the command line startup is stupid. With each patch I've had to increase it a bit. Before I stopped playing (right around the time it became v1.0) it was running reliably at ~192MB.


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