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Can't do a "ps -A"? Hyphen does not work???

I am ssh'ed into my temporary Ubuntu 12.04. Why is the hypen key disabled?

The other special characters work fine. This is the free 4 hour trial VPS.

I can use the hyphen character on my local KVM Ubuntu VM just find?



3 Replies


I am ssh'ed into my temporary Ubuntu 12.04. Why is the hypen key disabled?

The other special characters work fine. This is the free 4 hour trial VPS.

I can use the hyphen character on my local KVM Ubuntu VM just find?



It could be a language setting thing.


unset LANG
unset LC_ALL



I am ssh'ed into my temporary Ubuntu 12.04. Why is the hypen key disabled?

The other special characters work fine. This is the free 4 hour trial VPS.

I can use the hyphen character on my local KVM Ubuntu VM just find?



It could be a language setting thing.


unset LANG
unset LC_ALL

My 4 hour trial period ran out so I could not try this. Actually couldn't do much of anything!

Strange. I would have tried copying a hyphen from the local machine and pasting it in.


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