Ghost on Ubuntu 14.04

Hi guy.

I am new to the VPS world, not mention Linux and coding.

However, I was fascinated by’s design and was determined to install it regardless of my lack of experience.

After hours of research and fuddling with my linodes and commands line, I did it!

And I've put together a complete tutorial for those people that are in similar situations, a simple guide to get ghost up and running.

the tutorial is posted in my blog

The setup is minimal and omits security tightening as it's focuses on getting ghost up and running.

Please feel free to make comments on the tutorial and please correct me if I made error in the post.



3 Replies


Great guide, however it appears the link you posted is broken.

I think you changed it from linux to ubuntu. :)





Great guide, however it appears the link you posted is broken.

I think you changed it from linux to ubuntu. :)



thanks Lev, the link is now fixed.

I wanted to share this, because I can't find a complete guide online that will let me run Ghost without all the tweaks and setting. (maybe Linode and Ghost is not meant for newbies like me, haha)




Great guide, however it appears the link you posted is broken.

I think you changed it from linux to ubuntu. :)



thanks Lev, the link is now fixed.

I wanted to share this, because I can't find a complete guide online that will let me run Ghost without all the tweaks and setting. (maybe Linode and Ghost is not meant for newbies like me, haha)

I get IT working but IT always crashes ! Anyone got a. Stackscript for Ubuntu Nginx nodejs ghost blog? The crap keeps going Down on My server! Not Even linode support has answers to what happends. Lol


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