Tutorial request - FTP setup on Ubuntu / debian

There are lot of tutorial available on internet but none are so clear as linode library, so i would like to request to write a tutorial on setting up FTP server on Ubuntu & debian

3 Replies

Hmm, how about you use SFTP instead of FTP, which is insecure and rubbish. There's some tutorials on doing SFTP jails alread.

I prefer SFTP but i wish to make a fast file transfer at some time with FTP with SSL enabled via ftpes:// so i guess it is still FAST & secure.


I prefer SFTP but i wish to make a fast file transfer at some time with FTP with SSL enabled via ftpes:// so i guess it is still FAST & secure.

mnordhoff@cheezum$ sftp cheezum:/var/www/main/100MiB.bin /dev/null
Connecting to cheezum...
Fetching /var/www/main/100MiB.bin to /dev/null
/var/www/main/100MiB.bin                       100%  100MB  10.0MB/s   00:10    


Edit: Granted that's not very fast, but it still beats the 50 Mbps default outbound traffic limit of a Linode. Also, hpn-ssh would probably do better.


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