How to get Navicat to browse your linode securely (via SSH)

Even though Navicat has an SSH option, it didn't work for me. Thanks for some help from #linode and other tuts out there I was able to get this to work

* SSH to your linode and forward local port 13306 to your linode's mysql port 3306

ssh -L13306: host@yourLinodeIP

* Fire up mysql with the user and database you want to access (you'll be prompted for password)

mysql -u database_username -p database_name 

* Now fire up you local Navicat application. Set the following in the connection settings:

Connection Name: whatever
Host name/ IP address: localhost
Port: 13306
Username: (your database username)
Password: (your database password)

* Hit the 'Test Connection' button to see if you succeeded

Now the next step would be to set up a script to automate this.

Edit: Fixed thread title

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Here is the best tut I've found.



Here is the best tut I've found.


Cheesy yet novel.

I liked this one a lot back in the day:


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