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SSH client for wp8

I recently bought Nokia Lumia WindowsPhone8. In past I use to remotely access my linux machines from my iPhone using this awesome Server Auditor app. Unfortunately it's not available for WP8.

Can you suggest/ recommend a good SSH Client for Windows Phone 8?

4 Replies

I found this:

~~[http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/the-ssh-client/e8aa1299-e011-486c-9f61-3232c892b17b" target="_blank">](http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store … 32c892b17b">http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/the-ssh-client/e8aa1299-e011-486c-9f61-3232c892b17b](

But I think the real question is why are you using a windows phone? Is something wrong with Android or iOS?


But I think the real question is why are you using a windows phone? Is something wrong with Android or iOS?
LOL! Give it a chance & you'll love it. :)



But I think the real question is why are you using a windows phone? Is something wrong with Android or iOS?
LOL! Give it a chance & you'll love it. :)
LOL! They all say that, but when you do give it a chance, then you hate it. (I do). I prefer Android and Linux.

Windows Phone is a very retro-1980s design, and not in a good way. I hate Metro, whatever platform it's on.

About the only good thing I can say about Windows Phone is that the API/SDK is really good, but then, I'm a .NET developer.


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