Commands black background in Linode Library tire my eyes

I am a newbie and reading the Linode Library very often. I have noticed that when I am reading the page with many commands like this one … 0.04-lucid"> my eyes are very tired of black-white contract background. Do you have the same or it's just my eyes?

11 Replies

Thanks for the feedback! I took a look at the document in question and noticed that there are numerous commands that only have one line of text between them. I'll see what I can do to fix this guide in particular, but any suggestions on how to improve it are welcome!

It's the same for me - they make my eyes hurt.

Black on white is OK.

White on black is OK, once you get used to it.

Alternating between the two, on the other hand, is torture.

Something on the lines of black on pale yellow or light grey would be better.

Agree with obs, definitely something lighter than now. The black text on the pale yellow would be great but it's already defined as a style of text editing.

you guys don't use white-on-black for terminal sessions?


you guys don't use white-on-black for terminal sessions?
Absolutely not – I use black on white. White (or green) on black was OK when the terminal was the whole screen, but now the terminal is just a window in a screen that is usually quite bright, a dark window background seems to cause eye strain.



you guys don't use white-on-black for terminal sessions?
Absolutely not – I use black on white. White (or green) on black was OK when the terminal was the whole screen, but now the terminal is just a window in a screen that is usually quite bright, a dark window background seems to cause eye strain.

guess I just do it out of habit. probably going back to before terminal programs had those options (or I never thought to look for them ;) )

While most of the tutorials I've looked at don't bother me, that one with so much change between black on white to white on black actually does bother my eyes. If it were bigger sections of white on black I think my eyes would be fine.

I don't see why black on light grey wouldn't work equally well for the example and be easier on everyone's eyes.

Well, the traditional terminal is white on black, so putting commands to be executed in a terminal as that colour in a tutorial makes sense…


Absolutely not – I use black on white. White (or green) on black was OK when the terminal was the whole screen, but now the terminal is just a window in a screen that is usually quite bright, a dark window background seems to cause eye strain.

Nothing (except poorly written apps that hardcode dark FG color assuming BG is bright or vice-versa) prevents you from setting up a generally dark system color scheme. I use white on dark grayish-blue, for example.

Well, unless you're on a Mac. I seem to recall there is/was some magic key combo to turn everything into negative colors, tho, so it'd be mostly black…?


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