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problem with copying 20GB file from other server using FTP

I was trying to copy file from remote server to my linode instance, and u can find below the ftp log :

ftp> get file.tar.bz2

local: file.tar.bz2 remote: file.tar.bz2

200 PORT command successful

150-Connecting to port 36079

150 19650283.1 kbytes to download

226-File successfully transferred

226 1907.545 seconds (measured here), 10.06 Mbytes per second

20121889860 bytes received in 1907.80 secs (10300.0 kB/s)

The problem that the info on linode control panel is not right at all as follows :


Transfer/mo: 367 GB

Incoming: 11.3 GB

Outgoing: 462 MB

Total: 11.7 GB


Total: 49152 MB

Used: 49152 MB

Free: 0 MB

besides I got 2 notification mails from linode as follows :


Your Linode, linodeXXXXXX, has exceeded the notification threshold (5) for inbound traffic rate by averaging 14.72 Mb/s for the last 2 hours.


Your Linode, linodeXXXXXX, has exceeded the notification threshold (1000) for disk io rate by averaging 6580.62 for the last 2 hours.

I deleted the file by mistake cause I thought that I'm out of diskspace !! So, do you think it's ok to get it again with the same way using FTP ?? or what should I do to transfer this file to my linode & extract it ??

1 Reply

The "storage" figure you quoted refers to how much disk space you have allocated for use, not how much you are using. It's like saying "you have a 49152 MB hard drive", not saying "you're using 49152 MB of it".

Edit: I can't explain the transfer statistics, except to speculate that they're not entirely up-to-date. Personally, I'd transfer the file with scp since FTP sucks, but FTP works too. With a file that size, I'd definitely want to checksum it afterwards to make sure it wasn't corrupted in transmission, though!

Edit: Don't worry about the alert emails. They exist to alert you of unusual situations, not to accuse you of doing something wrong. In this case, you know exactly what the "unusual situation" is – you were transferring a large file, so that's that.

Edit: Also, you can check how much free disk space you have by running "df -h" on your node.


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